8/4 F&B Cherry Hardwood
Built for strength and durability, our 8/4 Cherry Hardwood is a great choice for flooring, furniture, and cabinet manufacturers.
Built for strength and durability, our 8/4 Cherry Hardwood is a great choice for flooring, furniture, and cabinet manufacturers.
Cherry wood is one of the most prized hardwood species. Hailing from North America, Cherry wood has its roots in all aspects of life; from fine furniture to custom cabinetry, to flooring, to musical instruments, to small scale woodworking, wood carving and wood turning projects. Well-loved and sought after by interior design professionals, furniture manufacturers, cabinet makers, and others, this hardwood species has earned its recognition thanks to its workability, beautiful grain, and magnificent color. Cherry has become a staple for several Gutchess customers, and we understand why.
Not only has the Cherry tree made roots in various areas of woodworking and interior design, but it has had a presence in story telling for centuries! By far, the most well-known myth of the Cherry tree in the United States comes from our first president, George Washington.
While Washington’s Cherry tree legend has gone through different iterations over the years, the long-standing narrative is that young Washington received a hatchet and cut down a Cherry tree that he was not meant to. When confronted, Washington was honest about the damage he had caused. George Washington’s candor in admitting his mistakes solidified his reputation as a virtuous and honest leader. While the legend has been debunked and rebuked, the myth has endured for more than 200-years and is an integral part of America’s cultural heritage. The presence of the Cherry tree in that myth speaks to the importance of the Cherry trees enduring presence in all aspects of North America.
The Black Cherry tree (Prunus serotina) is native to North America and some areas of South America. Specifically, it grows from southeastern Canada, through the eastern United States, west towards eastern Texas, with smaller populations within central Texas, the southwestern United States, Mexico and Guatemala. The main commercial areas of Cherry tree growth in the United States include Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and New York.
The growing conditions in which the Cherry tree thrives include moist but well drained soil and full sun to partial shade. The Black Cherry tree has general climate resilience with the ability to bare the incredible cold. Though considered a medium sized tree, the Black Cherry tree can grow between 25 feet and 110 feet, though the more common height range is between 50 feet and 60 feet.
In part due to its malleability through various growing conditions, as well as the wide distribution of the seeds of its fruit by birds, the Black Cherry tree has always been in abundance in North America.
Hardwood species are classified by the seeds the tree produces. Each hardwood tree species has a coating that takes the shape of a fruit or a shell that becomes a flowering plant. These flowering seeds are known as angiosperm, which translates in Greek to “vessel seed.” Additionally, hardwood trees lose and regrow their leaves annually, making them deciduous trees.
They differ from softwood trees, as trees classified as softwood’s seeds do not have a coating and are instead dropped to the ground to deal with the elements. Examples of softwood tree seeds are needles and cones that are dubbed gymnosperm, meaning “naked seed.” Except for the Larch tree species, all softwood trees retain their needles year-round, making them evergreen trees.
Cherry trees fruit contains a pit, or seed, that is transplanted into the soil and grows the tree. These kinds of seeds are those known as angiosperm and make Cherry trees deciduous, hardwood trees.
The Janka Hardness Scale is used to determine the relative hardness for domestic wood species, like Cherry wood. The test measures the amount of force that s required to embed a 11.28mm steel ball halfway into a piece of wood. While the Janka Hardness Scale is traditionally used to determine whether a wood species is suitable for flooring, it is a good measure of determining a wood species resistance to wear and its overall durability. Wood species with a higher number rating are harder than wood species with a lower rating. The data from the Janka Hardness Scale is expressed in pounds-force, or lbf.
On the Janka Hardness Scale, the ranking for standard Cherry hardwood is 950 lbf. While there are various types of Cherry wood, they all generally rank around 950 lbf, unlike Walnut wood, with its different wood types by region having significantly different hardness levels. Thanks to its medium density, Cherry wood has good bending properties, low stiffness, and medium shock resistance, allowing it to withstand wear and dents well.
The grain of Cherry wood lends to its workability. Cherry wood features a fine, straight grain with the exception of figured pieces with curly grain patterns or when defects from pith, mineral deposits, gum pockets and knots arise. Cherry hardwood endgrain features small to medium pores with random arrangement. Growth rings are generally distinct.
It is important to distinguish between the Cherry wood types, as in reality, they hail from distinctly different trees in distinctly different regions. Commonly known Cherry wood types include:
There are many other “Cherry” types that fall outside the Prunus genus that the Black Cherry tree falls into. These types trees, while not technically within the same species, are categorized as Cherry thanks to their similar properties. They include: