Purchasing & Acquisition

Gutchess Lumber is offering competitive prices for the sale of hardwood trees and logs that will be made into our prized lumber products.

Log and Standing Timber Purchasing

Let us give you a quote!

Purchasing Logs

Competitive Prices and Prompt Payment
Gutchess Lumber Co., Inc. will send a forester directly to you to scale and grade logs on your land. We offer competitive prices with prompt payment, as well as a trucking option for log removal.
Get a Quote

Standing Timber Purchasing

With Responsible Forest Management
Whenever you find yourself in the position to sell your standing timber, Gutchess Lumber is here to help review your objectives with an expert forester. Meet with one of our experienced foresters to review timber management and wildlife management options, as well as recreational use.

GLC offers free consultations, competitive pricing, prompt payment or payment terms available. An expert forester will scale and mark standing timber to provide to best price and information.
Talk to a Forester

Timberland Acquisition

Gutchess Lumber Co., Inc. is always looking to add land to our 29,600 acres across New York and Pennsylvania. These acres are high-quality, managed timberland that will continue to be well looked after by Gutchess Lumber through active, sustainable forest management throughout its possession.

Call a Forester Today

(607) 756-0942

Please call or fill out the form below us to have a forester meet with you and review any questions or concerns you may have.

Commonly Asked Questions

Tap on the questions to see the anwers.

Why should I sell my timber directly to a mill vs a logger or consultant?

Selling timber directly to a reputable mill with qualified foresters will cut out the middle man or fees that a logger/consultant can charge. When dealing direct, you are our priority. When we receive invitations for pricing from loggers and consultants, we have many options across a wide geographic area, and may or may not give prices.

How do you determine the value of my woods?

We have qualified foresters “cruise” or calculate the volume of timber by species and grade, using US Forest Service Tables and then determine a value based on our global lumber markets.

When and how do I get paid when my timber is purchased?

Gutchess can pay 100% up front after a contract has been signed, we can also split payments over a time period for tax purposes. Payment can be in the form of a check or ACH.

What will the woods look like when the logging is finished?

Logging is by nature a harvest of trees from your woodlot. The woods will be opened to allow sunlight on to your forest floor for new growth. Tops will typically be left in the woods. There will be ground disturbance that the logger will smooth during the logging or when ground conditions allow.

Is there a fee to have you come out and look at my timber?

There is no initial consultation fee for a forester to walk your woodlot and give you feedback.

How do you determine how much my logs are worth?

Logs are scaled and graded and the information entered into a hand-held computer with current log prices to determine the price of your logs.

When and how do I get paid when my logs are purchased?

Gutchess can pay 100% up front after a contract has been signed, we can also split payments over a time period for tax purposes. Payment can be in the form of a check or ACH.

How do I know what the best lengths to cut my logs?

It is best to call a Gutchess log buyer to help determine where to buck your logs to maximize the value for grade saw-logs and potential veneer.

How soon will my logs get trucked or do I need to line up the trucking?

Gutchess has over 10 company owned trucks and works with numerous trucking contractors and can line up trucking in most cases within a day or two.

Take Care of Your Forest

With our forest management consulting, Gutchess Lumber will bring a forester right to you to provide expert, in-depth knowledge on how to take care of your timber.

Contact a Forester

Type of Timber?(Required)